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A Guide to Sustainable Self Care

Are you allowing yourself to recharge? It may seem productive to work nonstop; however, you’ll burn out. Here at Glass planet, we’re all about working hard and taking a much-needed break. We’ve gathered our favorite sustainable self-care activities because everyone needs time to recharge.

What is self-care?

According to the World Health Organization, self-care is, “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” Self-care is everything you do to reduce the impact of stressors in life, improving your overall well-being. Sustainable self-care is good for your physical body, mind, soul, and environment. The amount of self-care needed changes depending on the person; some individuals allow themselves 20 minutes a day devoted to self-care, while others devote a full hour every weekend. Remember to practice self-care activities that fit into your current lifestyle.

Why do we need self-care?

Burnout and fatigue have become very popular among individuals nowadays. Chronic stress, tension headaches, palpitations, poor sleep cycles, and lack of mental peace are all signs that we need to practice more self-care. Self-care is important to live our best/most productive lives and to have sustainable, rewarding careers and relationships. Having a small amount of self-care helps keep your body running properly and, in the end, can cause you to be more productive. The human body is not efficient when it is stressed and lacks energy. We need to pay attention to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs, which can be met through a proper self-care routine.

Self-care Activities:

Go for a Walk

It clears up your head, reduces your carbon footprint, and helps you stay fit. Walking is also a powerful grounding exercise that helps you connect with your environment. When going for a walk you may notice things you never would’ve seen otherwise. Walking is known to release happy hormones that put you in a happy emotional state. Also, it can help you lose weight and tone your legs.


Are you feeling stressed and anxious? Take a break, put on your favorite song and dance. Dancing leads to a better mood, more energy, and releases the stress-relieving hormones of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. If you’re passionate about dance, try a Zumba class at a local gym or follow an online class at home.


Yoga helps your mind and your body. Some individuals say it also helps you broaden your vision about life and your inner mind. Doing yoga increases your blood flow, oxygenates your system, and relieves your mind. Over time you could also become more flexible.


A few minutes of meditation every day can give us enormous inner strength, clarity of thought, and reinvigorate us to take the day head-on. Mediation can help you empty your mind and start the day in a positive state. It also improves our present-moment awareness, which causes us to be more focused, resulting in a better quality of work.


Journaling allows you to put down your thoughts without fearing any judgment. This can help you clear your mind and heart, figure out priorities, or unleash your creative potential. Remember to let your thoughts flow freely, there is no wrong or right way to journal. You can reflect on your day, short- or long-term goals, or your current mental state.

Body massage

This increases blood circulation in the body and detoxifies the body of harmful toxins that tend to accumulate because of our lifestyle. You can give yourself a massage or have your significant other give you one. Remember to add oil or lotion for better results.


There are countless books regardless of what you’re interested in reading. Books are a great way to transport yourself into an imaginary world. It relaxes your mind, channels your imagination, and educates you (depending on what type of book you read). Health-wise, it helps you sleep better, promotes empathy, reduces depression symptoms, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, fights cognitive decline, and reduces stress.

DIY face mask

There are many recipes online for DIY facemasks using ingredients you have in your kitchen. Most face masks need 10 minutes; while you’re waiting, you can practice deep breathing or meditate.

Learn something new

Is there a topic you’re interested in learning more about? Why not take an online class or read more about it? Try finding resources to learn more about the topic. Do you like gardening? Want to learn a new language? Take an online course to learn something new or sharpen your existing skillset.

Have a warm drink

Some prefer tea while others drink coffee. A nice warm drink is a great way to relax and enjoy some alone time.

What’s your favorite self-care activity? Are you going to try any new activities? Let us know in the comments below. Make sure to check out our Instagram for additional information.

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