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How to Start Living Zero-waste

Have you ever thought about going zero waste and actively attempting to reduce your carbon footprint in the world? In the beginning, it can be a little overwhelming when you’re trying to figure out where to start. Here at Glass Planet, we have assembled tips on how to start living a zero-waste lifestyle. Remember that the process of switching lifestyles doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t get discouraged if it seems a little like too much at first. Disposable items are very common, and years of using disposable items is a hard habit to change overnight. Try to begin making small lifestyle changes and incorporate more once you get more comfortable.

What is Zero-waste?

There is a high likelihood you’ve heard the words before, but you may not know everything about what being zero-waste is. In order to start living a zero-waste lifestyle, you must understand the basics. Not understanding what a zero-waste lifestyle is will cause you to make errors along the way that could have been easily avoided. This lifestyle is more than recycling and eating clean. A zero-waste lifestyle means avoiding the use of disposable items on a daily/weekly basis and completely eliminating the waste you send to the landfill. If you must use a disposable item, it should be recyclable so it doesn’t end up at the local landfill, polluting the natural environment.


Not all waste ends up in landfills and is buried below the surface of the earth. Instead, much of the waste that we use inadvertently ends up in our water supplies, like streams, lakes, and oceans. This leads to fish and other seafood consuming some of the waste or absorbing the contaminated water into their systems, such as fish consuming microplastics. A zero-waste lifestyle helps protect the planet and natural resources. Being zero-waste can also help with an individual’s peace of mind due to how the lifestyle prioritizes only buying the necessities.

Find Your Why:

There are many reasons why people adopt this lifestyle. Some people do it to help the environment; others want to save money or avoid using plastic. Make sure to write down why you want to live zero-waste, and this will serve as your motivation for the days you want to give up.

Eliminate Single-Use Items:

Single-use items are everywhere, ranging from plastic utensils to straws. During a full week, write down every single use item you use. This will give you a clear list of items you should try to swap for zero-waste alternatives. A trash audit sounds overwhelming at first; however, it will help you see where your waste is coming from and what exactly to eliminate.

Use What You Have:

A zero-waste lifestyle does not mean throwing away everything and buying new products. Make sure to use the products you already have before buying more. Look around your house to see what products you have that can be incorporated into this new lifestyle. For example, empty glass jars are amazing for storing leftover food or drinks.

Shop Secondhand:

It’s no secret we at Glass Planet love shopping second-hand. Items in thrift stores have already been made, so new resources do not need to be used on creating them. You’re also keeping a perfectly good item out of a landfill. Not only is it good for the environment, but it’s also more affordable. Whenever you need a new outfit, visit a secondhand store; you never know what they’ll have. If you’re new to shopping at secondhand stores, click here to learn more tips.

Cut Out Processed Foods:

Processed food comes in plastic packaging; reach for fruits and vegetables instead. Not only will you be cutting out plastic packaging that pollutes the environment, you will also be enjoying a healthier lifestyle. When buying fresh produce, make sure to bring a reusable bag to use instead of plastic ones.

Join Groups:

Getting started can seem very difficult at first, and you’re not the only one who feels this way. There are many communities online and in-person that can help you get started. Instagram and Facebook both have many pages and groups dedicated to discussing the zero-waste lifestyle.

Appreciate What You Have:

Consumerism is rampant in our lives, and many people are quick to throw away items. When you start appreciating the items you have, you’re more likely to treat them with care and make them last longer. Be sure to appreciate the items you have, and when something breaks, try to repair it or repurpose it.

A zero-waste lifestyle can seem challenging at first, but you do not need to change everything overnight. With a few minor adjustments, you can live more sustainably to improve the Earth.

Did you learn any new tips? Let us know in the comments below and make sure to follow our Instagram for more information.

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